Directions to your Experience

Google Maps Link  Click here to go to Google Maps

Our Meeting Map Address is 39.66739.667999, -105.206888 999, -105.206888
(Paste directly into your map’s empty field for Directions)

1. We’re meeting at the Upper North lot of Red Rocks, inside Entrance 1 to  Red Rocks Amphitheatre.
2. Head up Alameda Pkwy for about a 1/4 mile on a winding road.
3. Drive through the rock tunnel and immediately take a left.
4. You’ll enter a large paved parking lot. As you do, there’s a restroom and maintenance building on your right.
5. Our meeting spot is right by the sign above the restroom that
reads “sinks   and toilets.” The restroom is open if needed.

Important: YOU MUST HAVE A RESERVATION and we sell tickets on this website
Meeting Spot: I’ll be waiting by the restroom building, right under a sign that says “sinks and toilets.”
Map Pin Coordinates: 39.667999, -105.206888 (Note: You might need to copy & paste these coordinates directly into your map app’s search field.)